Kratom is becoming popular across the world. The legal status of kratom is a grey area and is constantly changing.
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is pushing to make kratom illegal. Other groups such as the American Kratom Association and the Botanical Education Alliance are campaigning to keep kratom readily available and legal.

International Kratom Legality
Kratom is legal most countries, however it is illegal in the following countries:
- Australia
- Denmark
- Finland
- Israel
- Lithuania
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Poland
- Romania
- South Korea
- Sweden
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
Some countries have not completely banned kratom, but have specific laws regarding its distribution and use. You should check the legality of kratom if you live in Finland, Denmark, Romania, Germany or New Zealand.
Kratom Legal Status in the United States
Kratom laws in the United States vary from state to state.
States which have made kratom an illegal substance are:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Indiana
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
Conversely, the following states have made kratom legal and have no restrictions on its use:
- Washington
- California *
- Nevada
- Idaho
- Montana
- Wyoming
- Colorado *
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Nebraska
- Kansas
- Texas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi *
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Maine
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts
- Delaware
- Maryland
- D.C.
- Alaska
- Hawaii
* Kratom is banned in San Diego (CA), Union County (MS) and illegal for human consumption in Denver (CO).
All other states are at various stages in the legislation progress. You should check with your local health department for clarification.
So, is Kratom legal where you live? The answer is…it depends!
The laws around kratom use are in a constant state of flux. We are in a period of great change, with many states having pending legislation or studies into the safety of kratom ongoing.
If you’re not sure if kratom is legal in your hometown, or if you have any questions about Kratom, contact your local health department who can advise you further.